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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.This theme is Bloggerized by Lasantha Bandara -

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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.This theme is Bloggerized by Lasantha Bandara -

Senin, 26 Desember 2011

BTOWS GameBoost 1.2 Portable

BTOWS GameBoost 1.2 Portable
BTOWS GameBoost 1.2 Portable | 1.75 Mb
By temporarily shutting background processes and unnecessary Windows services, cleaning RAM, and intensifying processor performance, BTOWS GameBoost freeconcentrates every little system resource for gaming only.
Home Page -

Sabtu, 17 Desember 2011

ALL Internet Security 2011

ALL Internet Security 2011
ALL Internet Security 2011 | 1,84 Gb

VAST Internet Security 6.0.1203

AVG Internet Security 2012 v12.0.1873 Build 4623 Final

AVG Internet Security Business Edition 2012 v12.0.1873 Build 4623 Final

BitDefender Internet Security 2012

Dr.Web Anti-Virus & Dr.Web Security Space Pro Final

Kaspersky Internet Security 2012

Adguard 4.2

PC Tools Internet Security 2011

ZoneAlarm PRO Firewall 2012


SUPERAntiSpyware Professional 5.0.1142 Multilingual

SUPERAntiSpyware Professional 5.0.1142 Multilingual
SUPERAntiSpyware Professional 5.0.1142 Multilingual | 13.7 MB

SUPERAntiSpyware is the most thorough scanner on the market. Our Multi-Dimensional Scanning and Process Interrogation Technology will detect spyware that other products miss!

SUPERAntiSpyware will remove ALL the Spyware, NOT just the easy ones! SUPERAntiSpyware features our unique Process Interrogation Technology (PIT) that allows threats to be detected no matter where they are hiding on your system. Many new types of threats utilize "Rootkits" or "Kernel Drivers" to hide themselves to avoid detection by standard anti-spyware applications.

SUPERAntiSpyware's Process Interrogation Technology locates even the toughest of threats. SUPERAntiSpyware is a next generation scanning system that goes beyond the typical rules based scanning methods. Our Multi-Dimensional Scanning system detects existing threats as well as threats of the future by analyzing threat characteristics in addition to code patterns.

• Quick, Complete and Custom Scanning of HDD, Registry, Memory and more
• Detect and Remove Spyware, Adware, Malware, Trojans, Dialers, Worms, KeyLoggers and many other threats
• Repair broken Internet Connections, Desktops, Registry Editing, Task Manager and more
• Real-Time Blocking of threats
• Schedule either Quick, Complete or Custom Scans Daily or Weekly
• Quarantine items detected and removed for complete protection
• Detailed scan logs with complete information about detected and removed threats and their locations


Dr.Web Anti-virus & Security Space Multilingual

Dr.Web Anti-virus & Security Space Multilingual
Dr.Web Anti-virus & Security Space Multilingual | 230 MB

Dr.Web® for Windows provides reliable and highly efficient protection of your system and data regardless what type of the Microsoft operating system is installed on your computer. The Dr.Web® for Windows components allow in a real time mode to detect malicious programs from any external sources.

Dr.Web Anti-virus features:
- Best at curing active infections
- Installs in an infected system without its preliminary curing
- Fast multi-thread scanning
- Unique technologies blocking even unknown threats
- Full scan of archives at all nesting levels
- Best detection and neutralization of complex viruses
- Full scan of archives at all nesting levels
- Protects against unauthorized access by a network; prevents data leaks; blocks suspicious connections on package and application layers

Dr.Web Security Space features:
- Comprehensive anti-virus solution for PC
- Real time protection
- Best at curing active infections
- Installs in an infected system without its preliminary curing
- Fast multi-thread scanning
- Unique technologies blocking even unknown threats
- Full scan of archives at all nesting levels
- Best detection and neutralization of complex viruses
- Filters spam and other types of unsolicited messages without training the anti-spam
- Reliable on-the-fly scan of inbound and outbound http-traffic
- Efficient protection of children against exposure to objectionable content
- Protects against unauthorized access by a network; prevents data leaks; blocks suspicious connections on package and application layers
- Remote administration from other computers in the local network without installing the Dr.Web Control Center.


Kamis, 15 Desember 2011

Membuat Autorun Sendiri +Tampilan Menunya

Membuat Autorun Sendiri +Tampilan Menunya


#1 Untuk CD/DVD

Ketika kita membuat sebuah CD untuk orang lain, kadang kita ingin ketika orang tersebut memasukkan CD maka muncullah tulisan yang perlu dibaca dahulu atau ada sebuah aplikasi yang berjalan secara otomatis beberapa saat begitu CD dimasukkan. Nah, ketika itulah kita perlu membuat CD yang mempunyai autorun.

Karena Saya pernah membuat beberapa CD interaktif (lihat mini-portfolio Saya :P ), setidaknya ada beberapa cara-cara praktis yang ingin Saya tuliskan disini, eh bentar, disclaimer dulu!!! apa yang Saya tuliskan disini adalah murni dari pengalaman, Jadi jangan tertawakan ya kalau ada cara-cara yang agak aneh… :mrgreen: oh iya cara-cara yang Saya pakai disini tingkat keberhasilannya mencapai 68% pada komputer yang ber-OS windows (artinya hasilnya tidak semuanya berhasil).

Ok, sekarang, bagaimana caranya? Hehehe gampaang… sediakan contoh CD yang sudah ada autorunnya seperti CD bonus majalah atau CD interaktif apapun. Pertama-tama coba kita pelajari apa yang ada di CD yang ada autorunnya tetapi tidak di CD biasa, Anda lihat? ya benar! itu dia, sebuah file bernama ‘autorun’ yang berekstensi ‘inf’. Nah sekarang kita lihat-lihat isinya… coba double klik


Adapun cara membuat file autorun.inf adalah sebagai berikut:

1. Membuat File Autorun.inf

- buka notepad

- ketik:








- klik save as

- pilih ‘save as type’-nya all files (jangan text!) kemudian beri nama autorun.inf (namanya harus autorun + ekstensinya harus inf)

- copy-kan file autorun.inf ke CD tersebut


- cara lain membuatnya adalah dengan kopipes+edit

- file autorun.inf harus berada di root utama CD tersebut, sedangkan file .exe yg diautorun boleh setara dengannya atau di folder bawahnya

- aturan penulisan di Windows tidak case sensitive

- file yang bisa berjalan otomatis pada autorun hanya file application (*.exe, *.bat, *.com, *.hta, dsb) sedangkan untuk file-file lain tidak, tetapi ada cara meng’akali’nya yaitu dengan membuat aplikasi yang membuka file lain secara otomatis berikut caranya:

2. Membuat Autorun File Selain Application

- buka notepad

- ketik:



start sebuahFolderDalamCDKlik!Salman.pdf

- klik save as

- pilih ‘save as type’-nya all files (jangan text!) kemudian beri nama kemudian beri ekstensi .bat

- copy-kan file .bat ke CD tersebut

- jangan lupa pada autorun.inf yang di-open adalah file .bat tersebut


3. Membuat Menu Autorun

Misalkan kita ingin memberikan pilihan kepada User yang memasukkan CD kita —apakah mau membaca readme, menjalankan aplikasi, atau browse isi CD— maka kita perlu membuat sebuah menu autorun yang berisi pilihan-pilihan tersebut. Kita dapat membuatnya dengan beberapa cara yaitu menggunakan software khusus pembuat autorun, misalnya autoplay menu builder, demoshield, dsb. ini adalah cara paling mudah. Atau bisa juga kita buat aplikasi sendiri dengan membuat program console maupun dengan tampilan visual.

Karena Saya terbiasa menggunakan Flash maka Saya lebih senang membuat aplikasi menu autorun dengan menggunakan Flash (selain juga karena mudah membuatnya dan mengkastemaiznya).


ActionScript penting yang digunakan kali ini adalah fscommand (“exec”,”namafile.bat”) untuk menjalankan file .bat yang telah kita isikan script yg sebelumnya dan getURL(““) untuk meng-explore isi CD kita. Penjelasannya adalah sebagai berikut:

fscommand(command:String, parameters:String) : Void

untuk menjalankan aplikasi kita bisa memakai command ‘exec’ yang mempunyai parameter berupa path dari aplikasi dan mempunyai kegunaan untuk mengeksekusi sebuah aplikasi. Perintah exec hanya akan bekerja dari file Flash projector (tidak bisa dari SWF). Perintah exec juga hanya akan mengeksekusi file yang berada di subdirektori yang bernama fscommand (ntah kenapa nama foldernya harus fscommand, tapi biarlah terserah developer yg buatnya…) jadi kesimpulannya, file-file .bat akan kita simpan di folder fscommand ini yang nantinya akan dipanggil oleh sang Flash projector. contoh: di sebuah tombol kita berikan script tombol.onRelease=function(){fscommand(“exec”,”buka.bat”)} maka dia akan mengeksekusi aplikasi buka.bat yang ada di folder fscommand yang setara dengan path dari file flash tersebut.

getURL(url:String, [window:String, [method:String]]) : Void

action getURL biasanya dipakai untuk me-load sebuah dokumen dari suatu URL spesifik ke sebuah window atau melewatkan variabel ke aplikasi lain ke URL lain. misalnya kita buat sebuah tombol dengan script tombol.onRelease=function(){getURL(“”, “_blank”)} yang akan membuka browser dan menuju ke halaman yang dituju, atau getURL(“”)untuk mengirimkan ke email. Nah, untuk meng-explore path CD kita ternyata bisa dengan mengosongkan URL dalam action getURL(“”) maka dia akan meng-explore path Flash tersebut berada –yang ada di path utama CD kita.

Peringatan!!! : Tambahan lagi, browser defaultnya harus IE (ih, ketinggalan jaman) kalau ngga cara ini 68% akan gagal.

update lagi: eh, ternyata yang seperti ini ada trik untuk mengakalinya :) lihat di

Kemudian pada bla…bla…bla… pokoknya nanti hasilnya akan seperti ini:


keterangan: ikon-ikonnya dibuat dengan teknik tracing (lihat artikel sebelumnya)

lieurkah? nah karena Saya sudah mulai malas menulis, lebih baik langsung liat contohnya saja. Silahkan unduh di disitu sudah ada source fla dan contoh bagaimana nanti hirarki dan isi dari CDnya. Sekian. [euh,udah males nulis, kapan2 disambung lagi]

gambar terakhir, contoh aplikasi autorun yang pernah Saya (dan kawan2 Pustena) buat pada CD interaktif GAMAIS 2006, kalau Anda mahasiswa ITB angkatan 2006 maka 90% pasti punya CDnya.


kalau ada sumur di ladang bolehlah kita menumpang ngamen, kalau ada umur panjang bolehlah Saya meminta komen (comment –red).

Berikut beberapa link yang ada dari wikipedia tentang autorun

#2 Untuk Flashdisk

Buatlah file dengan nama desktop.ini (perhatikan caranya sama seperti membuat autorun.inf, yaitu dengan menggunakan notepad). File ini berguna untuk mengubah background flashdisk, warna text, dan memberikan label infotip untuk flashdisk kita. Adapun isinya adalah sebagai berikut:


InfoTip= Faisalmandisk :: jika anda sedang meminjam, jagalah Flashdisk ini baik-baik



IconArea_Image= gambarbackground.jpg

IconArea_Text= 0xcc00aa

Script ini saya lihat dari sebuah contoh file…

- Ganti kalimat infotip untuk mengganti label flashdisk.

- Ganti iconarea_image dengan gambar yang ingin dijadikan background, misal gambarnya bernama gambarsaya.jpg yang ada di dalam folder bernama foldergambar maka IconArea_Image=foldergambargambarsaya.jpg

- Ganti nilai iconarea_text dengan warna pilihan (pada contoh disini 0xc00aa merupakan nilai hexa dari warna ungu, coba ubah nilai hexa-nya jadi 0xffffff atau 0×000000, warna apa yang terjadi?)

Kemudian, buat juga file autorun.inf jika kita ingin mengubah icon flashdisk kita dan menjalankan program autoplay yang telah kita buat sendiri. Isi autorun.inf adalah sebagai berikut (dengan asumsi di flashdisk kita sudah tersedia file yg namanya ReadMe.exe dan ikonFaisalman.ico):


Open = ReadMe.exe

Icon = ikonFaisalman.ico

Action=Faisalmandisk – Baca dulu peringatan ini!!!

shellexecute = ReadMe.exe

shellopencommand = ReadMe.exe

shellautocommand = ReadMe.exe

Teknik autorun ini banyak dipakai oleh virus-virus yang menyebar lewat flashdisk. Lihat gambar di bawah ini, background flashdisk kita sudah berubah menjadi gambar (warnanya saya biarkan default). dan yang menarik, tulisan Action pada autorun.inf akan ditampilkan pada saat autoplay…autoupdate.jpg

Kemudian lihat gambar yang satu lagi ini,ketika membuka explorer maka label infotip kita akan muncul disitu. Dan.. wow, icon flashdisk kita sudah berubah !!! labelinfotip.jpg

update 13 Januari: waduh, tulisan saya ini dibajak orang :( hiks. buat para pembajak.. kalau mau mbajak tolong cantumkan juga link kesini

update 15 Februari: ehm, ternyata masalah autorun yg gak jalan di Flashdisk itu karena settingan registry di komputer user.. ini saya baca di sebuah e-book cuman lupa, nanti saya update lagi :)

update 19 Desember 2008: ada sebuah komentar menarik dari mas Yaufani Adam, mungkin ini penting juga

mas faisalman, tadi pagi saya nemu masalah ini fscommand exec ga jalan di flash CS3 nie di URL ini

trus solusinya disini:

Advanced Uninstaller PRO 10.5.5

Advanced Uninstaller PRO 10.5.5
Advanced Uninstaller PRO 10.5.5 | 22.8 MB

Advanced Uninstaller PRO is the ultimate uninstaller for Windows.You can uninstall programs quickly and completely using its simple and intuitive interface.The Installation Monitor included in the program can watch all the actions that a program performs on your computer while it installs.Advanced Uninstaller PRO remembers these changes so later you can completely uninstall that program,making sure nothing is left behind.
This easy-to-use Windows application uninstaller makes your computer run more efficiently by removing software and files that were left behind after you uninstalled software that you no longer use. In addition, the program performs a number of cleanup activities, making your computer more secure. Very few software programs uninstall completely from your computer. Among the things left behind are unnecessary folders, obsolete files, and graphics that will never be used. In addition, there are often items placed in the Windows Registry that are not welcome, as well as spyware and other programs that threaten the security of your computer. Advanced Uninstaller PRO can uninstall all of these files, folders, and programs. Uninstalling a program is as easy as selecting its name from a list, or dragging and dropping a file or a shortcut on the Advanced Uninstaller PRO desktop icon. Advanced Uninstaller PRO's built-in Startup Manager gives you control over the programs that are automatically started by Windows, and offers you detailed information about each of them, including advice about what the program does and whether you should disable it. Advanced Uninstaller PRO includes a huge knowledge base containing startup program descriptions, giving you the ability to distinguish between essential Windows components that you want to keep, and dangerous spyware programs that you want to remove.

This easy-to-use Windows application uninstaller makes your computer run more efficiently by removing software and files that were left behind after you uninstalled software that you no longer use. In addition, the program performs a number of cleanup activities, making your computer more secure.

Very few software programs uninstall completely from your computer. Among the things left behind are unnecessary folders, obsolete files, and graphics that will never be used. In addition, there are often items placed in the Windows Registry that are not welcome, as well as spyware and other programs that threaten the security of your computer. Advanced Uninstaller PRO can uninstall all of these files, folders, and programs.

Uninstalling a program is as easy as selecting its name from a list, or dragging and dropping a file or a shortcut on the Advanced Uninstaller PRO desktop icon.

Advanced Uninstaller PRO's built-in Startup Manager gives you control over the programs that are automatically started by Windows, and offers you detailed information about each of them, including advice about what the program does and whether you should disable it. Advanced Uninstaller PRO includes a huge knowledge base containing startup program descriptions, giving you the ability to distinguish between essential Windows components that you want to keep, and dangerous spyware programs that you want to remove.

To protect your privacy, the Quick Cleaner performs a one-step removal of the data on your computer that tells other people what you've been doing. It can safely delete the list of Internet pages that you have visited, the web addresses that you have typed, the Internet cookies that were written to your hard drive when you visited web sites, and the recently opened files lists for more than 100 applications, including Microsoft Office, Windows Media Player, ICQ, MSN, WinZip, RealPlayer, Kazaa, etc.

Advanced Uninstaller PRO makes it easy to remove all damaged Start Menu shortcuts, to hide or show them at any time, and to alphabetically sort the entire Start Menu. The program can find and delete temporary files left behind by Windows, Internet Explorer, and other applications. You can also tweak Internet Explorer configuration settings, manage and uninstall fonts, uninstall unwanted Control Panel applets, and perform other system tasks efficiently.

The latest release also contains a powerful Registry cleaner, defragmenter and optimizer which will help you keep your Registry fast, clean, and easily accessible by all programs. There is also a Registry backup utility that lets you easily back up and restore this important system file when it gets damaged or lost.

Here are some key features of "Advanced Uninstaller PRO":
- Easily uninstall applications and programs. The program starts a lot faster than the Control Panel Add/Remove applet, and has a handy quick search function.
- Uninstall, disable and enable Control Panel icons.
- Disable or delete the programs that run at startup.
- Remove items left behind in the Add/Remove section after program uninstall.
- Manage the fonts installed on your computer.
- Hide, show or sort your Start menu shortcuts. Automatically find and delete the non-working shortcuts on your desktop and Start menu.
- Uninstall Internet Explorer toolbars, plug-ins and BHOs (Browser Helper Objects).
- Find and delete garbage and temporary files.
- Delete the recently open files list of programs such as Microsoft Office, Windows Media Player, ICQ, MSN, WinZip, RealPlayer, Kazaa, Morpheus, WinAmp, etc.
- Delete the Internet history trail (information about the pages you visited, addresses you typed, cookies, etc).

OS : Win XP/2000/Vista/Win 7
Language : English

Home Page -

Jumat, 09 Desember 2011

PixelPlanet PdfEditor v1.0.0.46 + Portable

PixelPlanet PdfEditor v1.0.0.46 + Portable

PixelPlanet PdfEditor v1.0.0.46 + Portable | 39/38.3 MB

PdfEditor facilitates both direct editing of text in PDF documents as well as the post-editing of graphics. Pages can also be added to or removed from an existing PDF document. PdfEditor stands out for its straightforward and intuitive operation, which makes editing PDF files as easy as possible for less trained users, too.


- Edit directly in PdfEditor. The result is displayed immediately in the page preview (WYSIWYG - What You See Is What You Get).
- Edit text directly in the document, change font type, size, color, format, scale and effects Edit, move, delete, rotate, copy and paste, group, anchor, align and mirror text, images and paths, change the page order.
- Move and edit text, images, and paths, delete, rotate, copy and paste, group, host, anchor, mirror, change order
- Drag&Drop support
- You can undo actions as often as you like
- Edit objects by means of tabs or individual tool windows
- Ruler feature, align objects with the grid


A-PDF Batch Print v3.8.0

A-PDF Batch Print v3.8.0

A-PDF Batch Print v3.8.0 | 2.13 Mb

A-PDF Batch Print is a fast, affordable way to batch print documents (PDF, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Image formats and more printable documents) to any printer device that is accessible through the Windows operating system automatically.

A-PDF Batch Print Feature List
Support optionally specify a range of pages to print
Support Separator printing dynamically generated or from a static file.
List order organizing options.
Drag and Drop support of files, add document by folders.
Support MS Office Documents format (eg. *.docx; *.doc; *.dot; *.rtf; *.txt; *.wri; *.pptx; *.ppt; *.pot; *.pps; *.xlsx; *.xls; *.xlt; *.xla; *.xlm; *.xlc; *.xlw. ) Support PDF file format.
Support various image formats (eg. *.tif; *.tiff; *.fax; *.g3n; *.g3f; *.xif; *.gif; *.jpg; *.jpeg; *.jpe; *.jif; *.pcx; *.bmp; *.dib; *.rle; *.png; *.dcm; *.dic; *.dicom; *.wmf; *.emf; *.tga; *.targa; *.vda; *.icb; *.vst; *.pix; *.pxm; *.wbmp; *.jp2;*.j2k;*.dcx;*.crw;*.psd;*.iev;*.lyr, ect...)
Logging and reporting and archiving logs
Use with an Adobe PDF Print driver to automatically batch convert documents to PDF;

Home Page:

CyberLink LabelPrint 2.5.3602 Portable

CyberLink LabelPrint 2.5.3602 Portable

CyberLink LabelPrint 2.5.3602 Portable | 70.2 MB

CyberLink LabelPrint is label-making software that lets you design and print stylish CD/DVD labels in 4 easy steps. Just select your template type, disc information, text layout, background image, and print destination. LabelPrint supports layout and printing on a broad range of templates for your CD/DVD labels from leading label brands.

Improved Direct-to-Disc Label Burning: Labelflash™ and LightScribe™

Labelflash software and LightScribe software allow you to "etch" image designs and text onto the surface of your Labelflash and LightScribe discs. LabelPrint recognizes if a burner and disc support these technologies, then provides the option to burn.
Music Track Lists Can be Transferred Between Layouts

Work with MP3 audio files to create numbered track lists quickly, simply by selecting the files you have added to your disc. The information is automatically transferred between layout templates, thus enabling the creation of CD/DVD labels, jewel-case covers and inlays in one go.
Improved Output to Commercial Label Templates - Football Designs

LabelPrint supports a broad range of commercial templates from leading label brands for your disc cover. A built-in library of high-resolution images provides a choice of 16 popular themes for your CD/DVD labels, including Travel, Happy Birthday, and now Football (i.e. Soccer). You can also import your own image files and then stretch, tile or crop them to fit the designs of your CD/DVD labels and disc cover.

The Fun Way to Create Stylish Disc Labels

Create labels, covers and jewel-case inlays
Burn images onto LightScribe & Labelflash discs
Auto-import MP3 songs and playlist information
Choose from high-res images and built-in templates
Output to a wide range of commercial label templates

OS : Win XP/2000/Vista/Win 7
Language : English


Serif DrawPlus X5 v12.0.2.23 Portable

Serif DrawPlus X5 v12.0.2.23 Portable

Serif DrawPlus X5 v12.0.2.23 Portable | 403 MB

DrawPlus X5 is the powerful and versatile graphics studio that’s perfect for digital art, illustration, and painting. With easy-to-use tools, it provides everything you need to express your creativity. Draw vector art, sketch ideas, design logos & graphics, paint naturally, turn photos into artwork, create Flash® animations, plus much more.

Whether you’re an experienced designer or drawing novice, DrawPlus makes it easy to create outstanding designs in less time. There are lots of pre-set document types including posters, greetings cards and banners, to kick start your designs. Alternatively, you can create custom projects from scratch. DrawPlus X5’s interface is intuitive. Personalised workspace profiles and sliding tabs can be arranged to suit the way you work and customisable keyboard shortcuts make it quick to select your favourite tools. And if you need help, the ‘How To’ guides provide instant on-screen assistance, plus there’s a wealth of video and online tutorials available.

The all-in-one creative studio

* Pure vector illustration and artistic drawing
* Editable vector painting with photo-realistic paint styles
* Flash™ animation for web banners, videos, and fun puzzles
* Versatile document types for art, web graphics and print projects
* Support for pressure-sensitive pen tablets and a built-in calibrator
* Amazing effects for graphics and photos
* Photo editing, image cut out and convert photos to vector images
* Auto connectors and measurements for charts, diagrams and plans
* Professional colour management and industry-standard compatibility
* Full and flexible PDF import, editing and export


µTorrent 3.1.26545 RC5 Portable

µTorrent 3.1.26545 RC5 Portable

µTorrent 3.1.26545 RC5 Portable

µTorrent 3.1.26545 RC5 Portable | 2.94 Mb
µTorrent is one of the most popular BitTorrent clients, with plenty of features such as bandwidth prioritization, RSS auto-downloading, scheduling and Mainline DHT (which is compatible with BitComet, another well-known BitTorrent client), Protocol Encryption joint specification (used also by Azureus and above, BitComet 1.27+) and peer exchange.

µTorrent was written with efficiency in mind. Unlike many torrent clients, it does not hog valuable system resources - typically using less than 6MB of memory, allowing you to use the computer as if it weren't there at all. Additionally, the program itself is contained within a single executable less than 350 KB in size.

Features of µTorrent:
- Multiple simultaneous downloads
- Configurable bandwidth scheduler
- Global and per-torrent speed limiting
- Quick-resumes interrupted transfers
- RSS Downloader
- Trackerless support (Mainline DHT)


Adobe Photoshop CS5 Extended v.12.0.4 Portable

Adobe Photoshop CS5 Extended v.12.0.4 Portable

Adobe Photoshop CS5 Extended v.12.0.4 Portable | 800MB

Adobe Photoshop Extended - a solution for multimedia designers, working in different industries: film and video, architecture, engineering, industry, medicine or science. Adobe Photoshop allows you to work with a variety of 3D-content, multi-layered images and images with high dynamic range (HDR) at the professional level, receiving the output of high quality printing materials.

Benefits of Adobe Photoshop Extended:

Convenient dynamic control panel for access to all the necessary tools for color correction and toning images, styles, and other editing tools.
Streamlined interface.
Rotate the canvas with a single click from any angle.
Smart Zoom.
Per-pixel image-editing by maximizing individual sites without losing definition.
Improved editing of motion graphics.
View photo in a convenient format: tabs or in tiled format.
Full integration with the latest models of printers, pre-viewing, support for 16-bit printing on Mac OS.
New features of design in Adobe Photoshop CS5 Extended:
Excellent drawing effects. By purchasing Adobe Photoshop CS5 Extended, you can create realistic painting effects with the help of new tools: a tool "Mix-brush" that allows you to mix colors directly on canvas, setting the various parameters of hands to perform strokes with the imitation of real textures, the onscreen color palette, and many others opportunities.
Fill in the light of image content. Remove any elements of the image with intellectual filling the empty area in view of the contents of the surrounding areas. This breakthrough technology in Photoshop CS5 Extended allows for features such images as lighting, tone and noise, and perfectly fills the area at a remote location.
Simple selection of complex areas. Easily select the elements of the complex images, such as hair, to adjust, compositing, or placement on the layout. Automatically modify the edge of the selected area, delete the background color around them and adjust the mask, using new tools.
Creation of 3D-shapes using Adobe Repousse. Use technology to Adobe Repousse to create 3D-logos and graphics, using any text layers, elements, shapes and layer masks. Applied to objects effects such as twisting, spinning, extrusion, bevel, and distortion.

Improvements in Adobe Photoshop CS5 Extended:

Advanced image processing HDR. Create a Photoshop CS5 Extended HDR image in all directions - from photo-realism to surrealism - with exceptional speed, flexibility and accuracy.
The most advanced tools for processing images in RAW. Perform nondestructive removal of image noise while preserving the color settings and sharpness of the elements, add grain, giving the digital images a more natural look, consider the possibility of a more flexible post-crop vignetting and other image processing functions - all with plug-in Adobe Photoshop Camera Raw 6.
Workflow efficiency. By purchasing Adobe Photoshop CS5 Extended, you will appreciate the improved resource productivity and tools that provide unlimited opportunities for creativity, thanks to the introduction of dozens of new and enhanced features at the request of users of Photoshop.
Improved media management. Easily manage media using a more flexible function of batch renaming, and have direct access to materials related to the current content being processed by a custom toolbar Adobe Mini Bridg • Discover new opportunities for web design! Easily select the elements of such complex images, such as hair, for subsequent insertion into layouts, and create expressive web page. Develop an attractive design for interactive web applications using the 3D-objects, graphics, drawing, and realistic effects.

Osbennosti Portable:

The assembly includes plug-in version of Camera Raw 6.5.0 and Photoshop CS5 Optional Plugins;
available to all sections of lenses for Camera Raw and Lens Correction;
assembly does not spoil the profiles of other applications of the company Adobe, installed on your computer.

System requirements:

Intel Pentium 4 or AMD Athlon 64
Microsoft Windows XP with Service Pack 3; Windows Vista Home Premium, Business, Ultimate, or Enterprise with Service Pack 1 (Service Pack 2 recommended) or Windows 7
1 GB of RAM
1 GB of free hard disk space for installation, additional free space required during installation (can not install on removable flash storage devices)
Screen resolution of 1024x768 (recommended 1280x800), video card that supports OpenGL 2.0, hardware acceleration and 16-bit color, 256 MB VRAM
Some GPU-accelerated features require graphics support for Shader Model 3.0 and OpenGL 2.0
DVD-ROM drive
Software QuickTime 7.6.2, required for multimedia features
Broadband Internet connection required for online services and test Subscription Edition (optional) on a permanent basis


Avanquest Partition Commander v

Avanquest Partition Commander v 11.0.7893 Portable

Avanquest Partition Commander v 11.0.7893 Portable | 88Mb

The Easiest, Most Powerful Partitioning Product Available!Is your hard drive slow and cluttered? Reclaim your wasted hard disk space, organize your important files, and speed up your hard drive with Partition Commander 11.

If you have important data, memories (music, photos and videos), applications or games on your PC, Partition Commander can help you protect them in the event your operating system crashes. Partition Commander safely organizes your hard drive so that your favorite applications, games and even your operating system run faster. Best all, everything is automated. Simply follow a few steps and you're done. It couldn't be easier.

What's New:

Quick Launcher Wizard
It’s now simpler and easier than ever to access the main features of Partition Commander. Quick Launcher lets you partition, copy or migrate, backup or restore a drive in one easy step.

Easier-to-Use User Interface
Brand new color scheme, icons and descriptions make it easier to perform any function within Partition Commander.

System Backup & Restore
Partition Commander now includes the ability to create a complete backup of your system before applying any modification/creation of a partition. Users can restore the system backup in one easy step.

New Boot Manager & OS Installation Wizard
Want to run multiple operating systems on your computer? It’s never been easier to prepare your computer for a brand new operating system than with Partition Commander 11. The automated wizard quickly walks you through the setup process. The new Boot Manager makes it easy to select which operating system you want to load when starting up your computer


Organize & Optimize Your Hard Drive
Hard drives start with one single partition. This partition holds the operating system, your applications, games and all of your important data, music, photos and videos. Over time, your hard drive becomes very cluttered and messy. Using Partition Commander, you can significantly improve your hard drive speed and organization by separating your operating system, applications and important data. This enables your hard drive to find files faster and easier.

Redistributed Unused Disk Space
Do you need additional space in one of your existing partitions? No problem! Partition Commander lets you move unused disk space from one partition to another. Windows can't do this alone. Partition Commander's built-in tools do all the work for you in a few simple steps.

Built-in Safety Features for Maximum Protection
No other partitioning software includes built-in safety features to protect you against system failures, including power loss. Partition your hard drive with ease and confidence knowing that Partition Commander safety and undo features will always be there if you need them.

Partition Commander - Safe, Easy, Reliable, Secure!
• Separate and Protect Your Important Data!
• Divide a single hard drive into two or more partitions
• Copy, move, split and merge any partition without losing data
• Step-by-step wizard guides you through partitioning process
• Undo feature any partition step
• Powerful safety features protect you against system failures while partitioning
• Recover any delete partition
• Fix computer startup problems
• Runs directly in Windows®
• Preview any partitioning tasks before completing it
• Defragment any partition for optimal performance
• Support USB drives
